Hello all,
The Amateur Radio Covered Bridge Society or ARCBS will issue a very
special spooky Halloween covered bridge certificate
to any amateur who operates at a covered bridge from 10/28 to 10/31.
You don't want to miss this certificate. It will be a very special
spooky Halloween covered bridge certificate. All modes and all bands
are ok for this certificate.
All you have to do is email or send your log to the ARCBS. Don't miss
out on this very special certificate! Each certificate will be issued
with a special ghost serial number. This serial number will be used
next Halloween for a covered bridge contest and if you have a ghost
number, you will be a extra point station.
Send all Halloween covered bridge activation logs to
[hidden email]
or mail to:
Hope to hear you say "BOO" from a covered bridge!
775 Moonflower Ave.
Reading, PA 19606-3447
Elecraft mailing list
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