Hello fellow ATers,
If the weather is nice on Thursday, it's suppose to be nice, I will hike
up with Trevor Boy to Pulpit Rock on the AT tomorrow
11/11/2004. Look for me on 20m and 40m around the qrp frequencies. I
plan to start my hike around 1300 utc or 10am est.
I should be up on the mountain at Pulpit Rock around 11am est or
1400utc. Look for me to start operating around 1450utc
or 11:30 am est. I plan to operate about an hour or two and then back
down the mountain.
This is my first hike since being very sick with an upper respiratory
infection that lasted two months. I had two rounds of pills etc, but the
thing just stayed with me. I still have to go for a chest x-ray, but
those mountains are just calling out to me!
Hope to work a few of you while I'm up in the mountains with my hiking
buddy Trevor Boy - my dog.
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