Hello all,
This weekend 9/4 & 9/5, I will operate from all the covered bridges in
Berks County, PA. On Saturday I will put on the air three covered
bridges. On Sunday I will activate two more covered bridges. I'll start
on 40m ssb and then go to 20m ssb at each bridge. Remember all contacts
count towards a Nomad Award too. I hope to hear many this weekend!
Also, I just received permission to operate aboard the Lightship
Portsmouth located in the Virginia Maritime Museum. I plan to activate
the lightship either October 6th or October 10th. I just might stop by
the Portsmouth Lightship on the 10th after the convention. More info to
If you would like more info on my events, just go to my web site and
click on the events button. By the way, I just received the very first
Nomad Watch and it looks great!
WWW. WA3WSJ. com
Edward R. Breneiser, WA3WSJ
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