WA3WSJ: Covered Bridge tour this Weekend

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WA3WSJ: Covered Bridge tour this Weekend

Edward R. Breneiser-2
Hello all,

Well Saturday was just fine. I activated three of Berks County's five
covered bridges. I will activate the two additional covered bridges
tomorrow Sunday.  Look for me at the Dreibelbis Station Covered Bridge
around 1400 utc on 40m then on 20m.  I will then head over to the Wertz
Covered Bridge and operate 40m then 20m around 7.260mhz & 14.260mhz  up
to .285mhz on both bands.  

I have to say thank you to all the ops that worked me on Saturday and a
few even caught me at all the covered bridges to date!  I even worked a
G4 portable station on 20m while I was at the Pleasantville Covered
Bridge on Saturday. He was operating their FD.

Yes, I even worked a few ARLHS members. Yeah, I know, it's not a light,
but the corn stalks were pretty high and gave off a warm yellow glow!
Funny thing happened today. I saw this old blue pick-up truck drive by
and the guy just looked at my setup. In fact he drove by three times
before he finally had to stop and ask me what I was doing? Turns out
he's the farmer on the land and when I told him, he said, " that's
pretty nice."  


The Radio Nomad,

Edward R. Breneiser, WA3WSJ
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