Hello all,
I will operate a special event station at the Keystone Intl. Balloon
festival held September 24-26. I plan to arrive at the balloon festival
Thursday afternoon and setup my tent, rigs etc. I will operate ssb, cw
and psk31 modes.
The festival is located at Lancaster County Park in Lancaster, PA - in
the heart of the PA Dutch Country. There will be hot air balloons there
from all around the world. I will be the only amateur radio station
there and will operate the entire event starting Thursday evening.
QSL information is on my website and I have permission to use a local
artist's artwork on my qsl cards and on a beautiful certificate! These
should be just awesome. Here's a link to my site page and to the balloon
festival page. I hope to work many from the hot air balloon festival.
Edward R. Breneiser, WA3WSJ
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