WA3WSJ: Lancaster County, PA Covered Bridge Activation - Saturday, 9/2

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WA3WSJ: Lancaster County, PA Covered Bridge Activation - Saturday, 9/2

Edward R. Breneiser-2
Hello Fellow ARCBS Members and others:
This Saturday I plan to activate the Hunsecker Mill Covered Bridge in
Lancaster County.
The bridge number as listed in the World Guide to Covered Bridges is
I plan to start operating around 1500 utc on 40m and then on 20m around
7.265mhz and 14.265mhz.
Hope to work many on Saturday, October 2, 2004.
Picking this bridge was so easy!  I just went to the ARCBS
.html>  Website; clicked on the covered bridge number
<http://www.dalejtravis.com/cblist/cblistus.htm>  list
and then clicked on Pennsylvania.  I then just clicked on a few bridges
in NE Lancaster and looked at their pictures
<http://www.dalejtravis.com/bridge/pennsylv/htm/3803606.htm> .
I then clicked on the map
72&longitude=-76.2475>  and printed it out.
So look for me operating at this beautiful covered bridge surrounded by
just gorgeous countryside!
Does it get any better than this?
ARCBS #  1
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