WA3WSJ: Pagoda Special Event June 12th

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WA3WSJ: Pagoda Special Event June 12th

Edward R. Breneiser-2
Hello all,
I will operate from the Reading Pagoda atop of Mt. Penn on Skyline Drive
here in Reading, PA on Saturday, June 12th.
I will operate 40m and later on 20m ssb. I should be on the air by about
1400utc and operate until
1800 utc.  Look for me around 7.265mhz and 14.265mhz.  This counts
towards a Nomad Award.
Hopefully I might work a few summit chasers of the SOTA Program in
Europe.  It isn't a lighthouse, but
it is  very brightly lit at night and is used by aircraft as a
navigation aid.  If you send a SASE, I will send
you a nice color picture QSL card of the Pagoda atop Mt. Penn. For more
information about my expeditions,
go to WWW.  WA3WSJ.com and click on events.
Edward R. Breneiser, WA3WSJ
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