WA3WSJ Polar Bear Moonlight Madness " Experience"!--- Long

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WA3WSJ Polar Bear Moonlight Madness " Experience"!--- Long

Though I didn't work a polar bear, I had an enjoyable time listening
for them and learned a lot.
I will now really honor those QRP frequencies. It was very
frustrating when "power" stations would  QSO with each other nearby
or right on top. I was concerned about my "high power" (50-75 watts)
answering a QRP station but I would never originate a QSO nearby.

Also, was it just me or did anyone else hear a stuck transmission
just a little high of 14.060 about 30 minutes before Polar Bear start
time. Sounded like a paddle was stuck on dits or dahs.

The biggest impression was the "power/range" of QRP. I'm in central
Oregon and I was hearing "9's", "0's" "4's" and "1's" all over the
place - alas, no "3's". I feel a lot better about my stable of 20
watt (or less) rigs.

Finally, if I'm in the same area next year, I'll try to hike to our
"pedestrian" mountain top, Tumalo Mountain at 7,000 ft (only 1500 ft
gain) and point a dipole or extended Zepp right at the PA polar
bears. I have a lot of outdoor activities and can't wait to get the
packaging/power source worked out so I can take a small rig along.

To the Polar Bears - thanks for the inspiration. This might be a
better ritual than that jump in the outdoor pool I do every January.

Paul (NW Polar Bear)
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RE: WA3WSJ Polar Bear Moonlight Madness " Experience"!--- Long

 I looked for the Polar Bears too from here in So Cal. I heard that stuck
dits transmission right on top of 14.060 and I worked a K2 in NJ who was
running a RockMite so I'm not sure why I couldn't hear the Polar Bears on

It was a great disappointment to me. It had to be one of the most promoted
events since the Michael Jackson jury selection and I missed it!


-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of designer
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 12:07 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [Elecraft] WA3WSJ Polar Bear Moonlight Madness " Experience"!---

Though I didn't work a polar bear, I had an enjoyable time listening for
them and learned a lot.
I will now really honor those QRP frequencies. It was very frustrating when
"power" stations would  QSO with each other nearby or right on top. I was
concerned about my "high power" (50-75 watts) answering a QRP station but I
would never originate a QSO nearby.

Also, was it just me or did anyone else hear a stuck transmission just a
little high of 14.060 about 30 minutes before Polar Bear start time. Sounded
like a paddle was stuck on dits or dahs.

The biggest impression was the "power/range" of QRP. I'm in central Oregon
and I was hearing "9's", "0's" "4's" and "1's" all over the place - alas, no
"3's". I feel a lot better about my stable of 20 watt (or less) rigs.

Finally, if I'm in the same area next year, I'll try to hike to our
"pedestrian" mountain top, Tumalo Mountain at 7,000 ft (only 1500 ft
gain) and point a dipole or extended Zepp right at the PA polar bears. I
have a lot of outdoor activities and can't wait to get the packaging/power
source worked out so I can take a small rig along.

To the Polar Bears - thanks for the inspiration. This might be a better
ritual than that jump in the outdoor pool I do every January.

Paul (NW Polar Bear)
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RE: WA3WSJ Polar Bear Moonlight Madness " Experience"!---Long

Bruce Rattray
I listened for the Polar Bears but nothing heard....the most outstanding
signal here was the "stuck-on" dits xsmn and it was solid 599 here...in
fact it was so strong I checked things in my shack to make sure it
wasn't me!...whoever it was discovered it as I just happened to be
listening when it stopped suddenly...hihi...72 Bruce.

72/73 - Bruce ve5rc/ve5qrp - QRP-C#1, QRP-L#886, A1 Operator
         ** Enter QRP-Canada's "RUN with RAC" contest -            
            details at http://www.qrp-canada.com  **

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of EricJ
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 2:38 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] WA3WSJ Polar Bear Moonlight Madness "

 I looked for the Polar Bears too from here in So Cal. I heard that
dits transmission right on top of 14.060 and I worked a K2 in NJ who was
running a RockMite so I'm not sure why I couldn't hear the Polar Bears

It was a great disappointment to me. It had to be one of the most
events since the Michael Jackson jury selection and I missed it!


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