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Edward R. Breneiser-2
Hello all,

Yesterday, 7/5, I took my hiking buddy Trevor, my dog, with me and we
hiked the AT.
No radios,  just a conditioning hike for the both of us. We've been
walking 5 miles every other day at home, but I wanted to get back up in
the mountains! This hike starts at the Hamburg, PA Parking Lot and goes
straight up 2 miles to Pulpit Rock to an elevation of 1580 feet.  Not to
high, but it's straight up hill ALL the way! I made it to Pulpit Rock in
one hour - used to take me 45 minutes. I didn't feel bad at all on top
of the mountain, but I guess the back injury slowed me down- hi!  

Once on top, the view was as I remembered it - just beautiful!  Trevor
drank his usual 1L of water! I love hiking with Trevor, but he drinks
like a fish. After I took off my shirt and hat and dried them out in the
sun, it was back down the mountain.  

Don't forget to work me this Thursday and Friday on my 2-Day AT Trip.
Trevor and myself will hike 8.5 miles starting at Port Clinton, PA  to
Eagles Nest Shelter on Thursday. After I set up camp and we eat dinner,
I will play radio 40m/20m. On Friday we will eat breakfast and I will
then play radio until lunch.  

Radio:   K1 @ 3w
Antenna: VBWFPA


Edward R. Breneiser
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