WAS in SweepStakes in 6 Hrs (Almost)

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WAS in SweepStakes in 6 Hrs (Almost)

Art - W6KY
Sweepstakes is the Greatest!  Brag tape follows:
I only had time for about 6 hours of operating time on Sat
and Sun, but managed to work over 250 QSO's and
47 states. Missed Nebraska, North Dakota and West VA.
Worked NWT, VI and PR but couldn't find the easy VE's.
The K1 was outstanding. The front end only crunched a
cpl times. Used a K1 on 15, 20 and 40. A HW-8 on 80
and a handbook home brew on 10 with the IC-756PROII
receiving. 95% of Q's were on 40 and 15 meters with the
K1-2 and K1-4. Used a GAP Challenger vertical for
all QSO's.
As per N0SS, worked KH6X in the last few minutes of the
contest, but on 1 call. Here in Calif had an edge toward
CQWW DX Contest the last of this month. Work DXCC on
the weekend QRP..Easy...
Now, back to RagChewing..  
73, Art  W6KY   K1-2  K1-4
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Re: WAS in SweepStakes in 6 Hrs (Almost)

Daniel Reynolds-2
I put in about about 6-7 hours of SS - all on 40m with the K2 and a long
buddipole up 8 ft in the front yard. About 4 hours were between 0300-0730z and
woke up early Sunday morning to put in 2-3 more hours (1230-1500). Had no time
after church to work any more SS (was hoping to get on 20m and get more
sections). I worked roughly 50 sections and I think I made almost 100 contacts.
I turned it all off when it was time to leave for church, and I do remember my
last contact broke the 10,000 pt barrier - and I was a very satisfied operator
(and thrilled with the K2).

I haven't worked 40m much late at night, but I think I'll try to do it more
often when I can't sleep. California was amazingly open after sunrise - but I
think I was aided more by the super contesting station's antennas and
conditions than my 5W and buddipole. With my compromise antenna and QRP signal,
I would tune around (with the pre-amp off) and look for signals that were at
least s9 to work. If they were s5 or less, I usually found that they could not
even hear me. Most of the time, I was averaging 15 contacts/hr, and maxed out
close to 20 in the morning.

Not being a highspeed (>20 wpm) CW op - I found that I had to use a CW
receiving 'crutch' on my pc. It saved my hide about 75% of the time ... but my
ear was improving towards the end, and I found that I was getting comfortable
with the 25wpm ops.

For W0NTA - I heard you Sunday morning working a KS station (and you were quite
strong into OK), and wish I could have worked you - it would have been my only
2-way QRP contact.

- Daniel / AA0NI
K2 #3421
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