WIndows4P3 Center mode questions

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WIndows4P3 Center mode questions

Hi,  I would like to get an idea of how people use the Center mode of the P3 and for what purpose.

Also I would like to know what the preference would be in implementing this in the windows environment.  Would you like to have a trackbar to allow you to slide the frequency up and down?  Or would it be better to just select center mode and then use the mouse to point to where you would like it to be?

Thanks for your help.
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Re: WIndows4P3 Center mode questions

Arthur Burke
 P3 Tips for Fixed Tune or Track Mode
(courtesy of Mike, K2MK)

When you’re in Fixed-Tune mode you will find that sometimes the signal you
are interested in is close to one side or the other. By pressing the Center
button you can turn the knob and move the station back to the center. I
also found it useful when chasing a split DX to put the DX station’s signal
on the left side of the screen and looking at the pileup (up in frequency)
on the right side of the screen. The Center button is useful for this

And another trick when in Fixed-Tune mode to get the signal back to the
middle of the screen: Set up a top row function key (FN1-FN4) that will
toggle between Fixed-Tune and Tracking modes. Then if the station you are
watching is not on center just press your function button twice. The first
press changes it to Tracking mode which will put the signal at screen
center. The second press changes it back to Fixed-Tune mode.

Using some of the above techniques (which helped me one day to discover my
P3 wasn't working properly and needed a firmware update!), I also found
that by running in the Fixed-Tune mode, you could "re-center" the cursor
very easily to one side or the other (using CENTER and turning the "SELECT"
knob appropriately).
Then as you tune across signal peaks (like during a RTTY contest), you can
sort of "step" your way across the band, 10 or 20 kHz with each pass.

One of the greatest benefits I personally derived from the above (reprinted
by courtesy and credit to Mike, K2MK), is making one of my "commands" on
the front buttons of the P3 the ability to toggle between Tracking and
Fixed-Tune mode - it tends to act like a "reset" button - a couple of quick
jabs to the button and the cursor is re-centered, but, because of the
second push, is still in the same mode as when I first pressed it.

Hope that makes sense - I had to play with it for a few minutes before it
became obvious what was going on.

Art - N4PJ

On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 9:49 AM, tomb18 <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,  I would like to get an idea of how people use the Center mode of the
> P3
> and for what purpose.
> Also I would like to know what the preference would be in implementing this
> in the windows environment.  Would you like to have a trackbar to allow you
> to slide the frequency up and down?  Or would it be better to just select
> center mode and then use the mouse to point to where you would like it to
> be?
> Thanks for your help.
> Tom VA2FSQ
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Re: WIndows4P3 Center mode questions

In reply to this post by tomb18
Tom,  As the span is varied sometimes the center is not where you would like
Working a dxpedition on cw at a 30 -40 kc span the center is adjusted to see
the balanced view of the tx and rx signals.
If the screen could be clicked or an indicator dragged to position with the
mouse etc, that would be cool.

Adrian ... vk4tux

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of tomb18
Sent: Thursday, 3 May 2012 11:50 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [Elecraft] WIndows4P3 Center mode questions

Hi,  I would like to get an idea of how people use the Center mode of the P3
and for what purpose.

Also I would like to know what the preference would be in implementing this
in the windows environment.  Would you like to have a trackbar to allow you
to slide the frequency up and down?  Or would it be better to just select
center mode and then use the mouse to point to where you would like it to

Thanks for your help.

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Re: WIndows4P3 Center mode questions

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Re: WIndows4P3 Center mode questions

Ok, but there is still a bug where the SVGA display and the P3 display do not show the same things.  Thus I won't enable it just yet.