Apologise if this is "OT"...but need help on this one...
Does anyone on the list...have a copy of the "Kenpro/Yaesu G600RC Rotator"
manual... The 600RC ....IS NOT the same circuit diagram as the G400 or
G400RC made either by Kenpro or Yaesu...
There are differences in the switches on the diagram...and also some other
wireing is different .... I need the G600RC information either in Kenpro or
Yaesu format....which I'm sure will be found in the manual for the said
I will pay for shipping/copying if someone can help supply the
Thanks In Advance...apologies for the "OT" thread....
[hidden email] "...I Just See It.!.." John A. Ross
(RSD Communications circa 2004)
GM0NWI QRP "..It is vain to do with
more.... "A Dis-Orientated Kiwi...
"K2 S/n 01432 Soon To Be On-Air" what can be done with
less.. In The Northern Hemisphere..."
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