Want to trade: Elecraft KXPA w/ATU for my ACOM 1010

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Want to trade: Elecraft KXPA w/ATU for my ACOM 1010

Bob Younger
I would like to trade my ACOM1010 for an Elecraft KXPA w/ATU. The ACOM is
in essentially perfect condition; and currently wired for 120V. It would
sell used for more or less the same price as the KXPA w/ATU. If I'm buying
a used linear I'd sure rather arrange a trade (plus or minus) with someone
on this list than take my chances with eBay or other platforms. And of
course, if someone has a KXPA that they just don't have any use for, I'll
be more than glad to help them with it ;-).  I love my KX3, but I'm finding
that when operating portable, too often 10-15W is just not making the trip
these days; and the ACOM requires me to take a generator along. I would
also be glad to just sell the ACOM if you're interested but don't have a
KXPA to trade.


Bob Younger  AI6KU
[hidden email]
I live in San Diego County. Driving aways to exchange would work for me.
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