Wanted: SoftRock

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Wanted: SoftRock

Julian, G4ILO
One of the things that has been in the back of my mind for some time to add to KComm is a panoramic display. To do this I would need a) to find some code for converting I and Q data from the sound card to a wiggly line and b) an SDR receiver to hang off the IF output of the K3. It occurs to me that some people may have SoftRocks they are using for this which will become surplus to requirements once Elecraft begins shipping the K3. If so, I could offer a good home to one.
Julian, G4ILO. K2 #392  K3 #222 KX3 #110
* G4ILO's Shack - http://www.g4ilo.com
* KComm - http://www.g4ilo.com/kcomm.html
* KTune - http://www.g4ilo.com/ktune.html