Weller soldering iron station and auto-transformer

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Weller soldering iron station and auto-transformer

Peppino Berria
My K2-kit arrival is announced, so I'm checking all
that I need for building it. I've a WESD51 soldering
station that I bought during my journey in Texas: 120
V. 60 Hz, different than voltage we have here in
Italy, 220 V. 50 Hz. I'm thinking to use an
auto-trasformer that I've in the shack for reduceing
voltage: in-220 V, out-110 V. Anybody could tell me if
it may be any problem? What about the "earth" on the
line that's relationed to the potential 220 Volt? Is
110 V. too low for powering my WESD51? Thanks for
reading me. 73, Peppino IS0YPS

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Re: Weller soldering iron station and auto-transformer

Mike S-8
At 05:46 PM 10/11/2004, Peppino Berria wrote...
>I've a WESD51 soldering
>station that I bought during my journey in Texas: 120
>V. 60 Hz, different than voltage we have here in
>Italy, 220 V. 50 Hz. I'm thinking to use an
>auto-trasformer that I've in the shack for reduceing
>voltage: in-220 V, out-110 V. Anybody could tell me if
>it may be any problem? What about the "earth" on the
>line that's relationed to the potential 220 Volt? Is
>110 V. too low for powering my WESD51?

A 220-110 transformer will work fine. Be sure to ground the third (round) contact on the AC power cord plug(NEMA 5-15P, shown here: http://www.stayonline.com/reference/nema_straight_blade.asp ) to maintain safety and the anti-static property of the station.

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