Where to mount the LED CW Tuning Indicators in a K2...?

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Where to mount the LED CW Tuning Indicators in a K2...?

Tom Hammond-3
Hi Folks:

I've received several recent orders for PC boards for the CW Zero Beat
Indicator... some for the KR5L design, others for the K6XX design.

A number of folks have asked where I mounted mine... the answer is NOWHERE!
I don't use one, but I do know that there are a number of you out there who
HAVE installed either one of my PC boards, or who have made your own.

For the benefit of those who are about to build their own Zero Beat
Indicators, would you please share with the reflector information on
exactly where you mounted the PC board, where you mounted the LED, it's
size (T-1, T1-3/4, or other), and where you made your attachment for the
audio pick-off point?

This looks like it might be a likely candidate for Don Wilhelm's
fixed-level audio output kit... hmmm.


Tom Hammond    N0SS

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