Which Rig to Buy

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Which Rig to Buy

Brent Sutphin WB4X
It's that time of year again.  Time for another kit to build. I want a
backup for my K2 and a portable rig to take outside, on vacation trips, on
day trips to the mountains, ect.  I am at the same dilemma as last
time....which one????? K1 or KX1???  I have built two KX1's sense building
the last K1, so maybe a K1....or could it be a K2.  WOW!! Elecraft your
putting me into mental overload!!!


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Re: Which Rig to Buy

Mike Morrow-3
Brent wrote:

>....which one????? K1 or KX1???

I think the 15 meter capability of the K1 alone would make such a decision easy for me.  All this weekend 15 meters has been active and crowded, with many DX stations operating even as high as 21.150 MHz.

It's my favorite band when it's open, as open it can be even this far down in the current solar cycle.  I feel sorry for those whose QRP rig can't function on 15 meters.

Mike / KK5F
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Re: Which Rig to Buy

In reply to this post by Brent Sutphin WB4X
How about a K1 on 160 and 80 and a KX1 for 40, 30 and 20? You could always
pack another KFL1-2 for 17 and 15 if you wanted.


Lots of bands, great rigs and it'll all fit in one small case.


My K1 is set up for 80 and 40 now as I hardly ever have room for a 160
antenna but it's about the same. I Take the K2 when I have an easy trip, but
the small rigs all have padded Pelican cases and they go everywhere!


Both great rigs and the KX1 gives you SWL capability.


Build both!




Lonnie NY2LJ

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