Why not? (was: Re: IC-7800)

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Why not? (was: Re: IC-7800)

Wayne, please take note.  The KX1 pretty much defines the "little"  end. Now
how about a K3 with which to define the "big" end?  I suggest a  more
ergonomic transceiver than the K2, covering contesters and DXers  specific needs
rather than backpacker's. Why not put to the list the  question "what would be
desirable in a K3?"
Bill  K3UJ
>Yeah, that's if you're comparing the "base" K2 - when you add all  the
options, like I have, it's upwards of $1600+ for a tricked out K2 - and  it
still has mediocre knobs and I still had to jury rig a circuit for  fixed
audio out - on a $1600 radio!
The K2 is a great performing radio -  but for those of us who don't care
about low current drain/portability it's  small size and mini-ergonomics
leave a bit to be desired.

Rick  WQ8Q

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Re: K2/DX proposal (was Why not? and IC-7800)

David Toepfer
It sounds like what such people would like, unless there is some even better
than K2 performance in the works, is a K2 repackaged/modified with a different
front panel (number, size, and placement of buttons, perhaps a second VFO knob,
and perhaps a larger case even, with room for a display and a whole host of
potential options) and perhaps a different/larger set/arrangement of menu
options -- a K2/DX radio/mod perhaps.

If I were Elecraft (which I am not), and this description is accurate, such a
proposal might fall on more interested ears, as it amounts more to a mod kit
than a whole new radio.  It sounds like they do have a number of new ideas they
are working on, but if a large group of poeple are looking for a K2 more
tailored to the demands of their type of operating perhaps they might listen.
Kind of like what they did with the K2/100.

Just tossin' this out there, as such proposals usually work better here at work
than trying to convince people to commit to coming up with something completely
new if you have something that otherwise does most of what they need.


--- [hidden email] wrote:

> Wayne, please take note.  The KX1 pretty much defines the "little"  end. Now
> how about a K3 with which to define the "big" end?  I suggest a  more
> ergonomic transceiver than the K2, covering contesters and DXers  specific
> needs
> rather than backpacker's. Why not put to the list the  question "what would
> be
> desirable in a K3?"
> Bill  K3UJ
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >Yeah, that's if you're comparing the "base" K2 - when you add all  the
> options, like I have, it's upwards of $1600+ for a tricked out K2 - and  it
> still has mediocre knobs and I still had to jury rig a circuit for  fixed
> audio out - on a $1600 radio!
> The K2 is a great performing radio -  but for those of us who don't care
> about low current drain/portability it's  small size and mini-ergonomics
> leave a bit to be desired.
> Rick  WQ8Q
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Re: Why not? (was: Re: IC-7800)

wayne burdick
In reply to this post by Able2fly
On Jun 27, 2004, at 12:51 PM, [hidden email] wrote:

> Wayne, please take note.  The KX1 pretty much defines the "little"  
> end. Now
> how about a K3 with which to define the "big" end?  I suggest a  more
> ergonomic transceiver than the K2, covering contesters and DXers  
> specific needs
> rather than backpacker's. Why not put to the list the  question "what
> would be
> desirable in a K3?"
> Bill  K3UJ

Hi Bill,

Without asking, we've already received a huge list of excellent
suggestions for future rigs. I'm afraid of what might happen if we
*did* ask  ;)  That said, feel free to send suggestions directly to me.
I'm saving them up.




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