Wonderful News

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Wonderful News

Harvey, Stephen P.
I just copied this from eHam.net

73 de NNØB, K2 #4224


FCC Grants New US CW Coast Station License

The FCC has granted a license for a new, common carrier, class 1A CW coast
station to the Maritime Radio Historical Society (MRHS), the group that
brought ex-RCA coast station KPH back to life.

The MRHS applied for the license to assure that US commercial Morse
operations will continue into the future. We believe this must be the first
time in many years that the FCC has granted a new license for this service.

The hours of operation for the station have not yet been determined. But
the basic details are:


426 KHz
500 KHz
6474 KHz
12993 KHz

Power: 5kW all frequencies

VY 73,


Richard Dillman, W6AWO
Maritime Radio Historical Society
Collector of Harleys, Willys and
Radios over 100lbs.

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