XG3 shipping status ?

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XG3 shipping status ?

checked the archives and i don't see if the XG3 is in stock or is there a wait period.
not listed yet on the shipping status on the main web site......

just a kid at xmas waiting for mine...

been looking for something like this for a long time...

well done Elecraft.......

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Re: XG3 shipping status ?

Bill W4ZV
K7WIA wrote
checked the archives and i don't see if the XG3 is in stock or is there a wait period.
not listed yet on the shipping status on the main web site......
Ordered April 13th and shipped April 15th...patience.

73,  Bill
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Re: XG3 shipping status ?

Tnx Bill.....

Looks like a stock item.......

I should have mine by the end of next week......... I ordered late on the 14th

Ed   K7WIA

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RE: XG3 shipping status ?

In reply to this post by KD7PY

Ordered mine on the 14th. Received it today along with the 2 meter phase lock board.



From: K7WIA [via Elecraft] [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2011 2:15 PM
To: pcbyrne


Subject: XG3 shipping status ?


checked the archives and i don't see if the XG3 is in stock or is there a wait period.
not listed yet on the shipping status on the main web site......

just a kid at xmas waiting for mine...

been looking for something like this for a long time...

well done Elecraft.......


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