XV144 Performance

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XV144 Performance

Samir Popaja
I think the best way should be to test the same K2 transceiver with available transverters on market and maybe take IC746PRO for reference (most contest crew use ic746pro for main rig on 2M) :
K2 + XV144 (ELECRAFT, http://www.elecraft.com/XV/XV.htm)
K2 + LT2S (SSB, http://www.ssbusa.com/transys.html)
K2 + TR 144 H (KUHNE, http://www.kuhne-electronic.de/english/transverter/144mhz.htm)
K2 + Javornik (S53WW, http://lea.hamradio.si/~s53ww/xvrt/xvrt.htm)
K2 + (DEMI, DEM 144-28, http://www.downeastmicrowave.com/PDF/14428.PDF)
We all know that combo good HF RIG + XVRT outperform today available amateur VHF transceivers on market.
73' SM7VZX

Message: 4
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 20:49:21 +1000
From: "Glenn McNeil" <[hidden email]>
Subject: [Elecraft] XV144 Performance
To: <[hidden email]>
Message-ID: <[hidden email]>
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Hello Group,

After reading some of the recent posts re the XV144 and the K2 as the IF for
a 144 Mhz System, I have for the last two years used exactly such a
setup...with exceptional results, and after several A/B Tests on the same
antenna system, I am satisfied that the K2 and the XV144 combination cannot
be beaten with existing off the shelf "commercial" equipment.

A big claim ? I don't think so, and after trying a host of radios from Yaesu
and Icom, the Elecraft System has proven to be superior from my point of
view...which is based on completed QSO's in the logbook and several wins in
the Ross Hull VHF/UHF Contest that is held in these parts ( VK ).

I have read the post by the German group re the K2 and the XV144...and I
agree with Don....I can't quite see what they were trying to prove, or

My most recent tests involved an IC910 and the Elecraft setup...the Elecraft
gear is simply superior in performance. Your options for VHF/UHF gear
are...TS2000, IC910 or the FT897...in these parts anyway. After having tried
the FT897 and the IC910 ( three of them ) I would never bother with them
again. The FT897 was simply terrible.

So that's my opinion...until something comes along...and it will...that is
better, you cannot beat the XV144 for $$$ value and performance.

>From a one eyed, Elecraft nut.


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