Hi Group,
During the construction of this kit, I encountered problems. I only got a very low RF output on TX. Obviously, I have communicated with Garry quite a number of times. Here were the steps in the troubleshooting:
1. check the Test point voltages as per alignment and test procedures;
2. check the voltages of the RF module and RF driver U6 as per appendix B in the owner's manual;
3. since I got correct voltages in step 2, I have to trace the signal path of the 28Mhz I.F. input;
4. I used a 80dB RF step-by-step attenuator in front of my IC7800 (you can use any receiver in fact) as a signal tracer. The signal source was my K2 (without K60XV). I set the maximum RF output in the SEC TRN of K2 at 0.1 watt
5. I eventually found that the 28Mhz I.F. signal lost at the output pin of U5, a mmic amplifier in the 28 Mhz IF chain. Using a DMM to measure the DC voltage of U5 also did not give a correct voltage as per appendix B;
5. I concluded U5 was dead and asked Scott to send me a replacement. The replacement arrived today. After installation, the XV144 is alive and working properly.
Through the trouble shooting process, I learnt a lot about the circuitry of the XV144. Also, same as in my past experience with Elecraft, customer support from Garry and Scott is excellent.
I am now having my XV144 working with IC7800. I trust it is a strong 2 meter working station.
Johnny Siu VR2XMC
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