Zombie Shuffle

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Zombie Shuffle

I am forwarding this for Paul and Jan.

72 Ron de WB3AAL

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Jan had posted it awhile ago, but I can't recall if it actually hit
qrp-l or not.  Been on lots of business travel and forced to postpone
the list a week here and there.

I know she has been trying to post the ZOMBIE SHUFFLE rules last few
nights and they keep bouncing.  If no luck after work tonight, I will
post them from my account. But, the 2004 Zombie Shuffle rules are also
on the above website:


We had a horrific hail storm in Socorro last week, baseball sized hail
and larger, that did $millions of damage.  My car got trashed and got
a new windshield installed a few days ago.  An estimated 1500 cars in
Socorro have been totaled by the insurance companies.  Our internet
from the house is still dialup, since we live rather rural, and the
phone lines have been awful with 60Hz hum since the hail storm.  It's
made posting things and sending email from the house difficult.  But if
a no-go tonight trying to send it, I'll post the Zombie Shuffle rules
from my work computer tomorrow.  But I do know Jan put them up on the
website a few nites ago.

72, Paul NA5N
QRP Zombie #004

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