any update for the NEWS?

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any update for the NEWS?

Hey...Dayton is around the corner and the Elecraft NEWS is now almost
a year old.  Any updates?

Here is one from today - the Flex 5000:

Yeah...I really love my wife, but I can still look!  LOL

de Doug KR2Q
happy with the K2, but still looking around
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Re: any update for the NEWS?

Don Wilhelm-3
Doug and all,

I read your Flex-Radio links with interest - BUT - I think I will keep
my K2s for the time being.

Software Defined Radio is a thing of interest to me, but I really like
my knobs to 'twiddle' and somehow knob-twiddling through a mouse and
computer display does not do much for me.  Yes, I have tried computer
control of my K2s using both Ham Radio Deluxe and the N4PY software, but
that leaves a lot to be desired for me.  Computer control of the
transceiver is just not my style of operating, and with the Flex-Radio
gear it is required, not an option.

Price-wise, my pockets are not deep enough to even try the Flex-Radio
5000 - at almost $2500 for the basic radio, it is well above the price
tag that I can consider.  Add to that the price of a high-end computer
(currently, my fastest computer is a 1.6 GHz processor) and you end up
with something in the $3500 bracket and up.  Yes, the Flex-Radio does
have one version that has an integrated computer, but the price tag on
that is just under $4500 - I can buy 2 K2/100s for that price and
operate SO2R with computer control using HRD for less cash outlay.  Add
to that fact that I would have trouble operating away from the permanent
home station - with the K2, I can pick it up and operate from most
anywhere with just a 12 volt battery, either 100 watts 'QRO' or less
than 15 watts 'QRP' for longer battery life.

The Flex-Radio 5000 promises to reduce the raw DDS spurs to a better
level than those present in the present 1000 version, but just how much
reduction remains to be seen when it is tested by ARRL labs.

My vision of the SDR of the future is this:
A radio that can be configured by connection to a computer and then used
as a standalone radio without the assistance of a computer.  It should
have low current consumption for portable operation, and has a full
compliment of knobs to allow standalone operation (no computer
required), and yes this should be in a package that can be easily
carried into the field.  The Flex-Radio 5000C is just not there yet!

I too am anxiously waiting to see what the folks at Elecraft will have
to offer for Dayton 2007.  If Flex-Radio 5000C is the 'best of breed' at
the moment, I will keep my K2s, thank you!



> Hey...Dayton is around the corner and the Elecraft NEWS is now almost
> a year old.  Any updates?
> Here is one from today - the Flex 5000:
> Yeah...I really love my wife, but I can still look!  LOL
> de Doug KR2Q
> happy with the K2, but still looking around
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