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anyone running HRD with Signalink & K3 help

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anyone running HRD with Signalink & K3 help

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Re: anyone running HRD with Signalink & K3 help

Ian Kahn, KM4IK
308 posts

First thing I'd check is in the HRD soundcard properties.  Make sure it
is set for the SignaLink, not the computer's sound card.  It should read
"USB Audio Device", or something similar and equally generic.  Also, do
you have the correct cables connected to the K3?  The radio end should
have three plugs, one each for line in, line out, and keying.  Make sure
they are correctly connected to the K3, and that the K3 is set for MIC +
Line In in the microphone settings in the MENU.

Hope this helps.


Ian Kahn, KM4IK
Roswell, GA
[hidden email]
K3 #281, P3 #688

On 3/24/2012 7:10 PM, KC6CNN wrote:

> I installed the HRD 5.11a build with a signalink and keep getting a
> microphone failed error.
> It says microphone failed the 48hz and 8hz I/O test
> Can seem to change the setting right. also the ptt is set for roc even thou
> I tell it to let the signalink control it. defaults back to roc.
> Any help would be greatful.
> Thanks
> Gerald - KC6CNN
> --
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Re: anyone running HRD with Signalink & K3 help

Bill Frantz
1074 posts
The K3 also does fine on sound card modes with the VOX. (If I
can remember to turn it on/off when I switch between data and
SSB.) Even if you want to run with wired keying, you can turn on
VOX to see if your keying connection is set up correctly. If the
transmitter keys when your computer sends sound in VOX mode, but
not with the wire, then the problem is in the wire/computer
control (or the VOX level config).

Cheers - Bill, AE6JV

On 3/25/12 at 21:46, [hidden email] (Ian Kahn - Ham) wrote:

>First thing I'd check is in the HRD soundcard properties.  Make
>sure it is set for the SignaLink, not the computer's sound
>card.  It should read "USB Audio Device", or something similar
>and equally generic.  Also, do you have the correct cables
>connected to the K3?  The radio end should have three plugs,
>one each for line in, line out, and keying.  Make sure they are
>correctly connected to the K3, and that the K3 is set for MIC +
>Line In in the microphone settings in the MENU.
Bill Frantz        |"After all, if the conventional wisdom was
working, the
408-356-8506       | rate of systems being compromised would be
going down,
www.periwinkle.com | wouldn't it?" -- Marcus Ranum

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