I know N6KR gets on the air. I heard folks talking with him. I am not
sure if he uses CW, however, since this was an SSB contact into GA. The
band was not open between CA and OR that day so I have no idea what N6KR
sounds like. I have tried to get him interested in ECN but to no avail.
I think he hides in the Elecraft basement working on gadgets day and
Kevin. KD5ONS
I thought you meant Straight Key not Silent Key. This is a most
perplexing acronym. I started wondering about Silent Key night until the
brain kicked in and straight key came into my thoughts.
On Sun, 12 Dec 2004 11:39:10 -0700, Indy <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Story of the four-leaf clover, meant to say N6WU whose name was KR and
> who is (SK), accidently said N6KR in QSO and sk, not so)
> SRI any confusion, consternation,
> 73
> Fred
> KT5X
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