cheap waterproof KX1 case

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cheap waterproof KX1 case

Eric Ward-3
The Rubbermaid Servin' Saver 1.2 qt. size (dark blue top, translucent
bottom; has a capital letter "B" within a square embossed on the
bottom) nicely accommodates a KX1, KXPD1 (detached), BNC-to-double
binding post adapter, 42+16 ft lengths of 26 ga wire, and even a piece
of that nice pink bubble wrap that came in my KX1 kit box to cushion
everything.  I paid $2.49 for it at Target (standard disclosure--no
financial interest in Target or Rubbermaid...).  I am taking the whole
thing on an airplane today--I plan to disclose it (like a laptop
computer) to the TSA guys.  Will also test it out backpacking in a
couple of weeks.
KX1 #670

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