Hello -
I am using my K2 with ATU, KIO2, and DSP with a Mac PowerBook G4 and
a Rigblaster plus.
For software I am using MultiMode OSX, v. 5.6.0.
I don't think that there are too many people using this configuration
and I find that trying to coordinate the instructions for the K2, the
Rigblaster, and the laptop tends to make interfacing a bit chancy, if
that is the word. The Rigblaster is still something of a mystery to me.
Is there anyone in the Elecraft community using the same
configuration? Successfully?
Incidentally, I am also using MacLogger DX4 with no problem.
I have two 4 port USB hubs daisy chained which gives me seven USB
ports which I find necessary with the other things I have attached to
my computer. I use 2 USB to Serial adapters attached to the hubs -
one to connect to the K2 and one to the Rigblaster.
I do have a PC available to interface to the K2 if need be and I may
be forced to "revert" to using it. I don't really mean this as a
slam to the PC platform, however I left the Windows world over a year
ago and have become used to the Mac world and would quite honestly
prefer to do all my computer/radio work on the Mac platform.
Slater VE5OA
Wolseley, SK Canada
K2 - 4519
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