One of my KRC2's lost its mind during the NA Sprint last night (that contest is bad enough for scrambling the mind of operators!). It had been working just fine for a few years.
Now when I turn it on, I either get no LED, or a flashing LED. And no band decoding. The K2 it was connected to is working fine (if I swap in my other KRC2, it functions as usual).
I tried using the firmware download utility, but couldn't get a response for firmware version, and couldn't update the firmware. I was able to query and update firmware for my other KRC2, so I think I was using the correct procedure.
I further checked the 2 xtal oscillators (ok), and board voltages (voltage reg ok). But some voltages on U1 are obviously wrong.
Any suggestions? Has anyone had a microcontroller in an Elecraft product that had its code corrupted, or the chip itself fail?
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