dumb question

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dumb question

If I use a transverter (XV50 as example) with my K2... am I restricted to the 20-25 watts output of the transverter, or if I have a KPA100, can I get the full 100 watts output?
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RE: dumb question

Ron D'Eau Claire-2
It's 20 watts regardless, Harlan. The KPA100 doesn't even come into the
question. The transverter takes a very low level 28 MHz signal from the K2,
up-converts it to 6 meters (or whatever band transverter you use), then
amplifies that signal and sends it to the antenna. It's that power amplifier
in the transverter that sets the power output available. 20 watts is plenty
for almost any VHF/UHF work unless you really want to go QRO. With lower
band noise on VHF lower RF power levels are more the norm in that part of
the spectrum.

To complete the story of the transverter, on receive the transverter
amplifies the VHF signal then down-converts it to 28 MHz and sends it on to
the K2 in receive mode.

Even if you only run 5 watts into the transverter from the K2, the first
thing the transverter does is throw almost all the 5 watts away as heat in
an attenuator to bring the signal level down to the maximum the converter
can handle. Indeed, Elecraft has a nice interface board that works with the
transceivers to make using your K2 on both VHF and HF easier. It's the K60XV
60M and Transverter Adapter. It provides about 1 milliwatt of RF output for
the transverter in transmit mode. That's all the transverter needs. The
K60XV provides the ability to switch between HF and VHF without special
highly isolated switches or swapping coax cables at the K2 and it allows the
K2 to run more efficiently since not even the QRP finals are active when
driving the transverter.

The "60" part of the name is because the same module adds 60 meter coverage
to a K2.


-----Original Message-----

If I use a transverter (XV50 as example) with my K2... am I restricted to
the 20-25 watts output of the transverter, or if I have a KPA100, can I get
the full 100 watts output?

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