get on the air more often: put a small rig by the computer :)

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get on the air more often: put a small rig by the computer :)

wayne burdick
I spend hours on the computer doing e-mail, work, and creative tasks.
This cuts into my on-air time, so I put a QRP rig right beside the
computer. This allows me to check the bands once in awhile and keep my
CW skills sharp while taking my mind off the computer. I typically turn
the rig on during long downloads/uploads, CD burning, or compiles,
sneaking in a QSO or two a day.

Computers are often used to control ham gear, via serial I/O commands
or a parallel-port keying interface. But I prefer the user interface of
the rig itself.

In my case I'm using a KX1 with built-in paddle. The antenna is an
end-fed random wire (without feedline). The feedpoint, at the operating
position, is about 10 feet from the computer desk. Rather than extend
an unshielded wire over to the rig, I use a T1 autotuner at the
feedpoint, run coax to the KX1, and put the KX1's internal ATU into CAL
mode so it won't try to override the T1.

Those of you who are trying to increase your CW speed or get on the air
more, but find a lot of time getting hogged by your computer, might try
this approach. Any small QRP rig would make a nice addition to your "PC



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