invoke "TUNE" for remote ATU or...

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invoke "TUNE" for remote ATU or...

Julius Fazekas n2wn

I think this would be very useful. I recently picked up a LDG RT-11 and have an Icom remote tuner to experiment with tuning at the antenna, versus in the shack, 160 thru 30. The ability in initiate "tune" from the K3 of those devices would indeed be sweet.


"I have an automatic antenna tuner that can "tell" the rig when to
transmit, for retuning purposes. A while back, I made a suggestion to
Wayne that perhaps the "TX inhibit" pin on the ACC port could be given
another purpose - to invoke "TUNE".  I envisaged a new config setting
like "CONFIG:TX INH" = "HI=Tun" or "LO=Tun". Wayne seemed to think it
wasn't a bad idea, but would be very low priority, based on demand. It
seems like this model may work for the Quadra application too, without
having researched it at all. If there's enough demand, maybe it could
be reprioritised...

    ~Iain / N6ML"
Julius Fazekas

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