k1 and QRP Afield

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k1 and QRP Afield

Jim F.-3
Hello to all that I worked yesterday in the QRP Afield contest.
The K1 performed flawlessly in the field this Saturday.
The only regret was that 80m was not on the bandswitch.
Jim - W1FMR

Best Regards,

 I Don't eat snails...I prefer fast food.

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Re: k1 and QRP Afield

Sandy W5TVW
That's always my biggest regret!  No 80 meters on the 4 band card!

Sandy W5TVW
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim F." <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2004 2:27 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] k1 and QRP Afield

| Hello to all that I worked yesterday in the QRP Afield contest.
| The K1 performed flawlessly in the field this Saturday.
| The only regret was that 80m was not on the bandswitch.
| .
| Jim - W1FMR
| Best Regards,
| Jim
|  I Don't eat snails...I prefer fast food.
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