k2, kpa100, ksb2, kat100 installation on Trawler - FB

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k2, kpa100, ksb2, kat100 installation on Trawler - FB

First, many many thanks to everyone who helped me puzzle through the
construction (alignment issues) of the kits and what I imagined to be
rfi problems with my antenna/counterpoise installation.  Finally, we've
caught all the stupid things I did (at least the ones which had
symptoms) and I can get out clear as a bell at 100 watts or less.  What
a relief.

I'm not sure it was smart to start all this from scratch with a marine

I started studying for elements 1,2,3 about a year ago.  I got
permission to spend $2k from the on-board exchequer.  I asked a lot of
questions on this reflector about learning code and other issues
related to installing a k2 based system on a boat ultimately to use
Pactor ( I still need to get first mate's permission to spend that

Kit building went very well - a few mistakes but all discovered and
corrected.  and then several alignment issues - one simply copying the
bfo alignment numbers (4913.4 instead of 4916.4) from page 10 to page
20 of the Ksb2 kit manual - makes voice sound awful.

Now everything works and works well - wonderful signal reports and good
range - all over east coast and and as far west as texas on 100 watts
ssb.  I'm in Boot Key Harbor in Marathon FL

I suspect from the manuals, that Elecraft anticipates that the k2 will
not be your first radio as it was mine.  This would mean that likely
you would have an antenna system which is known to work, good rfi
ground, and another receiver as well.

I did this all at once and so got to trouble-shoot 6 or 7 variables
without having any idea what thing was actually causing the problem.  
This is what led to a lot of probably mindless questions on this
reflector while I tried to connect cause with symptom.

Another thing is a "known-to-be-accurate" wattmeter.  The one I was
using was grossly off, or I wasn't using it correctly.

It appears if you set the power wrong such that the lcd shows 50 watts
while you are actually putting out 40, more things will be screwed up
than just the indication.  but since I now have this set right, there's
no point in belaboring it.

I was able finally to borrow a good wattmeter which did the job.

So I think that unless I'm wrong about needing an accurate power setup
on the k2, buyers need to know that they are going to need access to an
accurate wattmeter to align the kpa100.

If anyone is interested in any details of what I did as far as the
installation of this stuff in a power boat (sailboat has different
issues), send me a note offline and I'll try to fill you in.

73 to you all,  John Ferguson KI4NGH   M/V Arcadian

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