The side tone level is controlled by U8 and Q6. I would look around U8 for a missed solder joint or perhaps Q6 is bad. 2N7000 are fairly easy to blow with static when not installed. You may have zapped it.
Don Brown
----- Original Message -----
From: Art Patterson<mailto:
[hidden email]>
To: Elecraft<mailto:
[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 9:09 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] k2-sidetone level
I am on page 46 ( audio amp. & gen test ) SN # 4239 Testing for the first time with head set plugged in I go to ST-L hold edit and hear the 600 cycles with a display of 40. As I vary the VFO up the display numbers go up but the volume does not change. Turning the VFO in the op. direction the numbers go down but the volume still stays the same. any sug?
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