kat100 / kpa100 problem

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kat100 / kpa100 problem

Just finished the KAT100/KPA100/EC2 and experience some trouble. At unpredictable intervals during transmission the
KAT100 relais detune, the PWR Range LED jumpes to LOW (allthough output is still ok). Seems like a stray RF problem
and I was looking in that direction. Tried to improve the earth to the rig, without result. Tonight I hooked up a dummyload
to the tuner output. Seems to take longer, but even with the dummy connected the problem occurs: Klick.... Led to LOW,
sometimes a message on the k2 display, but most of the time just tuner detunes and LED change.
Has anyone experienced this? Should i do someting within the KAT100/KPA100?  Any suggestions more than welcome
Dick PA3CW [hidden email]
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