kbl1 question

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kbl1 question

Gary Lee-2
Got the kbl1 kit.  Looks pretty nice, I wonder if there are binding posts
which would work in place of the screw on connectors?  I like to use banana
plugs for my balanced lines.

THanks for the information.

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Re: kbl1 question

wayne burdick

I think you're referring to the BL1 (rather than KBL1).

We used the screw terminals to keep the balun as small as possible for
portable use. I don't know of any 'nanners that will fit on the PCB
without a difficult modification. However, you could put short,
large-gauge, bare wire jumpers into each of the screw terminals, then
solder them directly to a triple banana jack.


On Jun 6, 2004, at 5:58 PM, Gary Lee wrote:

> Got the kbl1 kit.  Looks pretty nice, I wonder if there are binding
> posts which would work in place of the screw on connectors?  I like to
> use banana plugs for my balanced lines.

> ---


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