leaking batteries

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leaking batteries


there has been a lot of discussion recently about the K1 internal
battery pack and possible leaking cells.  I have a K1, and have been
considering the internal battery pack.  I don't have the same level of
concern about leaking batteries that i see other elecrafters have.  

honestly, i can't remember having a electronic device ruined by a
leaking battery since the days, long past, of using zinc carbon and
occassional incidents involving non rechargeable alkalines left for dead
in the equipment.

but i have never had a NiMh leak in storage (charged or discharged),
regular 1/10 C charging or fast charging.

i am interested in under what conditions they tend to leak.

mike AK3F
K1 #522

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Re: leaking batteries

Hayden wrote:

>there has been a lot of discussion recently about the K1 internal
>battery pack and possible leaking cells.  I have a K1, and have been
>considering the internal battery pack.  I don't have the same level of
>concern about leaking batteries that i see other elecrafters have.  
>honestly, i can't remember having a electronic device ruined by a
>leaking battery since the days, long past, of using zinc carbon and
>occassional incidents involving non rechargeable alkalines left for dead
>in the equipment.
>but i have never had a NiMh leak in storage (charged or discharged),
>regular 1/10 C charging or fast charging.
>i am interested in under what conditions they tend to leak.
>mike AK3F
>K1 #522
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I have had them fail their seals recently in two instances. An audio to
FM modulator, that is popular, the batteries have failed twice when the
device was left on for several days. I believe the full discharge
somehow alters the chemistry and the case is breached (my guess).  
Batteries = Everyready. Unit still works however.

In a small GPS (Garmin) exposed to high humidity with O Ring seals in
the battery case the battery cyliniders were breached and the
connections in the battery case were destroyed. Batteries = Duracell. I
suspect the humidity was involved but have no definitive proof.  I now
have a nice GPS that runs on 12 volt cigarette lighter only.

Brian n6iz

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Re: leaking batteries

Stuart Rohre
An easy added protection for batteries is to use the appropriate zip lock
bag to add a protective membrane around the battery.  Put holes to pass
battery leads but seal those with RTV silicone Rubber caulking compound.

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