new shipping case you didn't notice...and misc venting

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new shipping case you didn't notice...and misc venting

Check out the shipping status.  Run 2 is now scheduled to START on Nov
30.  So much for any chance for CQWW CW for me.

I won't harp on broken promises about delivery, but what I cannot
understand (and even an engineer should figure this out by now), is
why Elecraft keeps insisting on publishing HARD dates.  I mean really,
"Nov 30,"  Really????

Would not COMMON SENSE by now dictate that you say something more
flexible (and probably more realistic, even [especially] statistically
so) like "Run#2 is  expected to ship some time in the first half of
December?"  Hey, if you ship on Nov 30, then you'd be a hero (well,
maybe that's a stretch at this point).  But if you say Nov 30 and then
ship Dec 1, well, "there's another missed deadline."

What is this fascination with HARD SHIP DATES?

And yes, I also sit in the same church with most of you....see my
article in the Nov/Dec National Contest Journal with a photo of me
"congratulating" my K2 for a job well done.  FREE ADVERTISING there
Elecraft!  Because I AM a believer.

I knew the risks when I paid in FULL at Dayton, I just misjudged how
far out on the bell curve we'd end up.  I can accept that.  It is,
however, made a good deal more difficult when updates includes vague
terms (almost Clintonesque) such as "a number have been shipped"
[yeah, I get it...2 and 3 are "numbers" aren't they] or "past SN in
the 20's."  Come on guys....cut us break.  You know exactly how many
you have shipped.  Is that still considered an industry secret?  How
do you think stuff like that sounds to us?  Convincing?  Nope.

We've been told "we need the parts" hence no shipment.  We've told "we
now have more parts that we can process" only to be followed by "still
parts delays."  And now it's "improving the production line" and
(still?) tweaking the software.  We all expected frequent updates
which would be down-loadable.  What is now so wrong that you can't
ship w/o first fixing it in house as opposed to letting run #1 guys
download upon receipt?

I won't presume to speak for others but please treat me like an
intelligent, thinking person.  Better yet, please treat me like a
valued customer.  Stop being a legal word smith and simply lay it out.
 I can take the truth; I have a tough time with slight of hand.

Okay, even an even keeled guy like me has to vent now and then.  This
"silent" Nov 30 new ship date knocked me for a loop.

de Doug KR2Q
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