Hi All,
KX1 S/N 00267 is now alive and running like a champ with lots of 20m-30m-40m
power output, superb ears, great paddle/keyer combo, and all the rest of the
kudos that go with it, and with other Elecraft products.
Special thanks to Richard at Elecraft who personally talked me through a
difficult U1 socket extraction process and who also promptly mailed several
parts I needed.
Thanks too to Paul, W6GQR who picked up on my CQ beacon at 14060 KHz
yesterday as I was stumbling my way through the KX1's operation. Happily,
he was running his K2 at 10W, so it was an all-Elecraft QSO.
The whole building experience was most gratifying, as evidence by the fact
that my K2 is still waiting offstage as I play radio with the KX1.
73 to all.
Steve Banks
K2 S/N 1599
KX1 S/N 00267
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