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(no subject)

I'm not sure whether this is a problem or not but after performing the S-meter alignment on p. 47 of the K2 assembly manaual, the tenth bargraph LED stays lit. It is lit whenever I turn on the rig. The AGC threshold is 3.80 Vdc at U2 pin5. I have completed Alignment and Test II with no problems or defects.

Thanks in advance for any helpful feedback.

-Gary N0AGH
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Re: (no subject)

Don Wilhelm-3

Is the RF gain control fully advanced? - it should have been when you set
the AGC Threshold for 3.80 volts.
Have you set S-Lo and S-Hi values after setting the AGC threshold?
Did you restore the RF gain to the full clockwise position after setting

Any of the above would cause the rightmost LED to be on.


----- Original Message -----

> I'm not sure whether this is a problem or not but after performing the
> S-meter alignment on p. 47 of the K2 assembly manaual, the tenth bargraph
> LED stays lit. It is lit whenever I turn on the rig. The AGC threshold is
> 3.80 Vdc at U2 pin5. I have completed Alignment and Test II with no
> problems or defects.

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