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Julius Fazekas n2wn

That's what isobars are for! ;o)

I understand that the "average" household draws enough
power to keep two 60 watt bulbs running around the
clock just from wall warts and electronics in standby

This is a big concern for folks trying to use
alternative energy. The easiest fix is to use a power
strip that can be switched off. Of course, finding the
offending devices might take a little time...

Even as an educated consumer, it can be a challenge to
be an Energy Stahr *hihi*


."Be grateful you can turn it off! Most things in the
USA, if they p;lug in, can't be turned off.  They go
to "standby" meaning they are still consuming power.
Home theater components, PCs, monitors, most devices
in the kitchen... so they get an "energy star" award
if you can't turn them off, the star telling you how
efficient they are!


Lyle KK7P"
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Julius Fazekas

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