on the topic of autotuners - "the ability to mount them remotely"

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on the topic of autotuners - "the ability to mount them remotely"

Gary Hvizdak

    That's a fine idea.  Would it be feasible for such a remote tuner to
have a
local MUX/encoder/sending unit so the power and control signals could all be
provided via a single coax line?  The specifications would need to address
maximum cable runs for RG-58 and RG-8.
Gary, KI4GGX
K2 #4067

    Well said Steve!
    The only other thing missing from the Elecraft tuners is the ability to
    them remotely. A Elecraft remote tuner would be just plain wonderful!

    On February 6, 2005 7:48 am, Steve Jackson wrote:
    > I like the guys in Maryland who make these fine units.
    >  However, I sold mine, in favor of the Elecraft
    > tuners.
    > The only thing missing from the Elecraft tuners is a
    > bypass function.

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Re: on the topic of autotuners - "the ability to mount them remotely"

Darrell Bellerive
Yes, an option that fits where the KAT2 or KAT100-2 would go and that would
convert the auxbus, and whatever other power and control signals would be
needed, onto the coax to the remote tuner.

Be nice to have the best of both worlds, a tuner in the K2 and a remote tuner
as well. Or at least an antenna connection at the K2 for resonant antennas
and the antenna connection for the remote tuner.

300 feet would be a good maximum distance for me.

I know this thread has been discussed before, so I won't belabor the point,
but, how about it Eric and Wayne: a KATR2 and KATR100 (The "R" standing for


On February 6, 2005 11:32 am, Gary Hvizdak wrote:

> Darrell,
>     That's a fine idea.  Would it be feasible for such a remote tuner to
> have a
> local MUX/encoder/sending unit so the power and control signals could all
> be provided via a single coax line?  The specifications would need to
> address maximum cable runs for RG-58 and RG-8.
> --
> Gary, KI4GGX
> K2 #4067
>     Well said Steve!
>     The only other thing missing from the Elecraft tuners is the ability to
> mount
>     them remotely. A Elecraft remote tuner would be just plain wonderful!
>     Darrell
>     VA7TO

Darrell Bellerive
Amateur Radio Stations: VA7TO, VE7CLA
Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada
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Re: on the topic of autotuners - "the ability to mount themremotely"

Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy-2
In reply to this post by Gary Hvizdak

Specs would also need to address possible RFI problems caused by MUX etc,
transmit and receive. Can be a problem if design is skimpy, electrically and
mechanical. But great idea, if relays don't wake neighbours.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Gary Hvizdak" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2005 7:32 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] on the topic of autotuners - "the ability to mount


    That's a fine idea.  Would it be feasible for such a remote tuner to
have a
local MUX/encoder/sending unit so the power and control signals could all be
provided via a single coax line?  The specifications would need to address
maximum cable runs for RG-58 and RG-8.
Gary, KI4GGX
K2 #4067

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