on the topic of autotuners

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on the topic of autotuners

Steve Jackson-5
>> I am considering using an LDG AT-100Pro or
>> LDG Z-100 tuner with my K-2.

I like the guys in Maryland who make these fine units.
 However, I sold mine, in favor of the Elecraft


Three reasons:

1. (obvious) the integrated, automatic
pre-setting-per-antenna-per-VFO function, and the
(also obvious) dual antenna jack feature ... just way
too useful to not have.

2. (not so obvious) the LDG and most other relay-type
autotuners stop diddling the Ls and Cs when the
indicated VSWR ratio gets to a place where they decide
it's OK.  The Elecraft tuning algorithm is recursive,
"passing" the implicit null(s) and finding the "real"
one.  Once you have this feature, you won't go back.

3.  (also not obvious) the Elecraft autotuners do a
better job matching the odd, and often abruptly high
impedances of field antennas, than the LDG or the SGC
(except the SGC-237 and -239).

Eric and Wayne could probably afford to be a bit less
humble about the advantages of their tuners vs. the
other guys.  Indeed, it's been suggested, more than
once, to make a version of the Elecraft KAT100 tuner
suitable for use by non-Elecrafters.

Whoever THEY are!  ;-)

The only thing missing from the Elecraft tuners is a
bypass function.

>> Also, I operate CW almost exclusively,
>> what other K-2 options would folks suggest.

The KAF2 is superb, pretty much a must-have option.
With all due respect to Lyle (and I do use his DSP
*magic* in other projects) the KAF2 is better than the
KDSP2 for CW only work, IMHO.

Oh, and that Elecraft HexKey, a great bargain, looks
awfully nice!  But Mr. Piggybank says I will keep on
truckin' with my Portland, ME vintage Vibroplex Iambic
Standard.  It's neat that the gray base of this
classic key looks like it came from Aptos.

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Re: on the topic of autotuners

Darrell Bellerive
Well said Steve!

The only other thing missing from the Elecraft tuners is the ability to mount  
them remotely. A Elecraft remote tuner would be just plain wonderful!


On February 6, 2005 7:48 am, Steve Jackson wrote:

> I like the guys in Maryland who make these fine units.
>  However, I sold mine, in favor of the Elecraft
> tuners.
> Why?
> Three reasons:
> 1. (obvious) the integrated, automatic
> pre-setting-per-antenna-per-VFO function, and the
> (also obvious) dual antenna jack feature ... just way
> too useful to not have.
> 2. (not so obvious) the LDG and most other relay-type
> autotuners stop diddling the Ls and Cs when the
> indicated VSWR ratio gets to a place where they decide
> it's OK.  The Elecraft tuning algorithm is recursive,
> "passing" the implicit null(s) and finding the "real"
> one.  Once you have this feature, you won't go back.
> 3.  (also not obvious) the Elecraft autotuners do a
> better job matching the odd, and often abruptly high
> impedances of field antennas, than the LDG or the SGC
> (except the SGC-237 and -239).
> Eric and Wayne could probably afford to be a bit less
> humble about the advantages of their tuners vs. the
> other guys.  Indeed, it's been suggested, more than
> once, to make a version of the Elecraft KAT100 tuner
> suitable for use by non-Elecrafters.
> Whoever THEY are!  ;-)
> The only thing missing from the Elecraft tuners is a
> bypass function.

Darrell Bellerive
Amateur Radio Stations: VA7TO, VE7CLA
Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada
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Re: on the topic of autotuners

Andrea Borgia
In reply to this post by Steve Jackson-5
Steve Jackson wrote:

> it's OK.  The Elecraft tuning algorithm is recursive,
> "passing" the implicit null(s) and finding the "real"
> one.  Once you have this feature, you won't go back.

Could you elaborate on this point?

> The only thing missing from the Elecraft tuners is a
> bypass function.

Uhm, KXAT1 for the KX1 has this feature, carefully "disguised" as
calibration (though the manual clearly states it can be used to bypass
the internal ATU when working with an external one). Isn't there
anything like that, perhaps, in the other tuners?


Homepage: http://andrea.borgia.bo.it     /    Amateur radio: IZ4FHT
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RE: on the topic of autotuners

Bill Johnson-10
In reply to this post by Steve Jackson-5
I own several tuners to  operate  other equipment, which I must sadly
admit I own, and Elecraft tuners outperform, IMHO,  all of them!


WR Johnson

-----Original Message-----
    Three reasons:
    1. (obvious) the integrated, automatic
    pre-setting-per-antenna-per-VFO function, and the
    (also obvious) dual antenna jack feature ... just way
    too useful to not have.
    2. (not so obvious) the LDG and most other relay-type
    autotuners stop diddling the Ls and Cs when the
    indicated VSWR ratio gets to a place where they decide
    it's OK.  The Elecraft tuning algorithm is recursive,
    "passing" the implicit null(s) and finding the "real"
    one.  Once you have this feature, you won't go back.
    3.  (also not obvious) the Elecraft autotuners do a
    better job matching the odd, and often abruptly high
    impedances of field antennas, than the LDG or the SGC

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