options and firmware level

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options and firmware level

Mike Maiorana
Hello everyone.
I have an older K2, SN 336, and am considering purchasing a KAF2. My K2 has
firmware 1.04C and I/O 1.02. The manual for the KAF2 says that it requires
firmware version 2.01 or later, and that "if you have an earlier version
1.xx you should have received an upgrade". Does that mean that I should have
received an update from Elecraft automatically, or does it mean that I
should have purchased a firmware upgrade before buying the KAF2, or?

I started looking at what it would take to update my K2 to the latest
revision... Wow, lots of work and a bunch of money. But it is nice that I
CAN upgrade it ;-)

Thanks for the help!
Mike M.  KU4QO

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Re: options and firmware level

No, you must buy the upgrade. Elecraft sell this option. It's
wounderful that this kit is so upgradable.... thanks to ELECRAFT !!!

Le 04-06-20, à 17:23, Mike Maiorana a écrit :

> Hello everyone.
> I have an older K2, SN 336, and am considering purchasing a KAF2. My
> K2 has
> firmware 1.04C and I/O 1.02. The manual for the KAF2 says that it
> requires
> firmware version 2.01 or later, and that "if you have an earlier
> version
> 1.xx you should have received an upgrade". Does that mean that I
> should have
> received an update from Elecraft automatically, or does it mean that I
> should have purchased a firmware upgrade before buying the KAF2, or?
> I started looking at what it would take to update my K2 to the latest
> revision... Wow, lots of work and a bunch of money. But it is nice
> that I
> CAN upgrade it ;-)
> Thanks for the help!
> 72
> Mike M.  KU4QO
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Jean-François Ménard / VA2VYZ
[hidden email]

Club d'Astronomie Amateur de Sherbrooke
Club Radio Amateur de l'Estrie

Mon site web personnel : http://homepage.mac.com/jfmenard

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Re: options and firmware level

Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ
Hi Mike,

If your K2 has earlier firmware than that needed for compatibility with the
KAF2 and you are the original K2 owner, we will supply it at no charge when
you order the KAF2.

Just note on the order what your K2 MCU and IOC revisions are and that you
think you will need the free K2 f/w upgrade.

73, Eric  WA6HHQ

On 04-06-20, Mike Maiorana wrote :

>> Hello everyone.
>> I have an older K2, SN 336, and am considering purchasing a KAF2. My
>> K2 has
>> firmware 1.04C and I/O 1.02. The manual for the KAF2 says that it
>> requires
>> firmware version 2.01 or later, and that "if you have an earlier version
>> 1.xx you should have received an upgrade". Does that mean that I
>> should have
>> received an update from Elecraft automatically, or does it mean that I
>> should have purchased a firmware upgrade before buying the KAF2, or?
>> I started looking at what it would take to update my K2 to the latest
>> revision... Wow, lots of work and a bunch of money. But it is nice that I
>> CAN upgrade it ;-)
>> Thanks for the help!
>> 72

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Re: options and firmware level

Sorry for the confusion. ;-(

Le 04-06-20, à 20:54, Eric Swartz WA6HHQ - Elecraft a écrit :

> Hi Mike,
> If your K2 has earlier firmware than that needed for compatibility
> with the KAF2 and you are the original K2 owner, we will supply it at
> no charge when you order the KAF2.
> Just note on the order what your K2 MCU and IOC revisions are and that
> you think you will need the free K2 f/w upgrade.
> 73, Eric  WA6HHQ
> Elecraft
> On 04-06-20, Mike Maiorana wrote :
>>> Hello everyone.
>>> I have an older K2, SN 336, and am considering purchasing a KAF2. My
>>> K2 has
>>> firmware 1.04C and I/O 1.02. The manual for the KAF2 says that it
>>> requires
>>> firmware version 2.01 or later, and that "if you have an earlier
>>> version
>>> 1.xx you should have received an upgrade". Does that mean that I
>>> should have
>>> received an update from Elecraft automatically, or does it mean that
>>> I
>>> should have purchased a firmware upgrade before buying the KAF2, or?
>>> I started looking at what it would take to update my K2 to the latest
>>> revision... Wow, lots of work and a bunch of money. But it is nice
>>> that I
>>> CAN upgrade it ;-)
>>> Thanks for the help!
>>> 72
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Jean-François Ménard / VA2VYZ
[hidden email]

Club d'Astronomie Amateur de Sherbrooke
Club Radio Amateur de l'Estrie

Mon site web personnel : http://homepage.mac.com/jfmenard

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