presto selecto, redux

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presto selecto, redux

Steve Jackson-5
I wrote:

> .... The Elecraft tuning algorithm is recursive,
> "passing" the implicit null(s) and finding the
> one.  Once you have this feature, you won't go back.

Andrea asked:

>>  Could you elaborate on this point?

Well, perhaps an elaboration is best made by the guys
that made the thing.

The 'net' of the issue is that the ideal setting for
the Elecraft tuner's relays is found by pressing, just
once, the "tune" button.  With other tuners, they
click and clack until the first time the thing finds
1.6:1 or some such, and then fine tuning -or a search
for some other L&C combination- is up to you, if you
have manual controls.

Like I mentioned, it's probably best if Elecraft
posted some clearer language about how their
auto-couplers (not really antenna tuners, but we know
that) work, versus the others.

Related topic:  didn't someone say they had a method
to dampen the roar of the KAT100?  Who was that, and,
what did your do?  Is it scientifically repeatable,
or, do I have to experiment?

Other related topic:  I wish the KAT2 and KAT100
settings were stored per VFO, per antenna, instead of
just per band per antenna.  This should be a
selectable menu item, of course, and I know there's
precious little spare memory for the feature.  I use
the VFOs for a makeshift band-stacking register.  Or,
perhaps N4PY could access a little-known command to
make his external control program provide a virtual
band-stacking register function, to include the ATU
presets.  Would that such an hidden command were
available. Maybe it is?

Final and semi-related topic: I'd like to find out
which decent  and comprehensive logging programs
support CW keyboard function using the KY command of
the K2.  I use DX4WIN now, it's superb, but despite
years of haranguing, KK4HD hasn't added this KY
capability (but he's added native support for the
Orion, even though there's only a few hundred of them
out there and there's nearly 5000 K2 rigs, go figure)
and my patience is wearing thin.

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