re:Fun QSO: 3000 miles, 1.5 watts, 4' whip, elevation delta 9998 feet

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re:Fun QSO: 3000 miles, 1.5 watts, 4' whip, elevation delta 9998 feet

Michael Babineau
<[hidden email]> wrote :

 > Something worth mentioning is that
 > performance of vertical antennas improves quite rapidly as you get
very close to
 > salt water -- even few meters makes a difference.

Actually "Team Vertical" did some testing to determine how the
proximity to
salt water improved signals from a vertical antenna. I believe that the
was that 1/4 wavelength or multiples of such away from the water was
They however used elevated radials. It is worth noting that dry sand
has horrible
conductivity so if you are using ground mounted radials you will
probably fare
better if they are on wet sand.

For more details on the tests check out

Michael VE3WMB

P.S. Wayne ... good job on snagging Hawaii KX1/PM .. you are an
inspiration to us all!

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