re: Hexakey?

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re: Hexakey?

Michael Babineau
Chris Wagner <[hidden email]> wrote :


 >I fancy they paddle - but have a BY-1 at home. Is the
 >Hexakey considerably better than a standard Bencher
 >paddle? Tnx es 73, Chris Kf6vci

Boy is it ever!  I have used a BY-2 for almost 24 years.
My Hex key arrived from Elecraft on Chrismas Eve
(thanks guys) and all I can say is WOW. The BY-2 is
going to get put on a shelf for the next 24 years.

This is a precision instrument. It is very heavy and stays
put without any sort of pad under it. As some people have noted
the adjustment screw threading is a tad bit coarse for such
a precision instrument but it appears that this part of the key
uses BY components. It doesn't detract from the key ... it just
means that it takes a little bit longer to get the settings exactly
where you want them, but my guess is that you will never need
to readjust them once they are set to your liking. The actual arm and
bearing mechanism appears to be identical to the Mercury paddles.

I think that Elecraft / Bencher have a real winner with this paddle.
It offers high end performance without the sticker shock or the Mercury
or some of its competitors.

BTW, for anyone willing to part with a lot of money, I noticed that
Express is now selling the Bencher Mercury paddle as well.

Michael VE3WMB

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