re: cw

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re: cw

I am some what embarrassed to say this but the fastest "CW" speed I ever
attained was 13wpm in 1980 when I passed my General exams. I worked
three years to obtain this speed. I passed my Advanced exam later that
year. My abilities suffered from lack of use because of pressing family
matters in the 80's. The love of "CW" was still there and that MUSIC was
always heard in my shack. Two strokes in the early 90's pretty much
destroyed my ability to copy all but the SLOWEST fists (I wish  and
dream for 30wpm ability )along with hand copying. With the aid of
hemostats and locking tweezers I build my rigs slowly. A "K1" and a
Multipig+ among them and soon a "KX1" as it is on the way now. The "CW"
music is still heard in my shack. Some times when I get the "NERVE UP" I
send a "CQ" even at my slow speed and my old J-44 key as I enjoy the
"MUSIC" of "CW". After all I AM A HAM.  FWIW I no longer own
commercially built equipment. I've built it all my self from kits or
"UGLY" construction. Building while CW "MUSIC" emits from a rig I built
is the penultimate pleasure. MY $0.02 worth.
72/71 de"rc"kc5wa

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