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     has anyone used the latest  version of  sectogram to set up k2 filters
    i would be very gratefull for any g uidance
      settings -procededure all ive got is a blank  screen
                 maybe my sound card is  not working
                thanks  folks
           tom  g0lne
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Re: spectogram-help

Don Wilhelm-3

I can't speak for the latest version of Spectrogram, but you can use version
5 (the last free version) for the K2 filter alignment and not have to fool
with all the bells and whistles of the latest stuff.  See my website article
on K2 Dial Calibration (Step 3) www.qsl.net/w3fpr for information and links
to obtaining and using version 5.

Only one note on your computer setup (for any version) - make sure the sound
card input you are attempting to use is enabled (and not muted).  You should
hear the K2 audio in your computer speakers when things are set up


----- Original Message -----
> hello
>     has anyone used the latest  version of  sectogram to set up k2 filters
>    i would be very gratefull for any g uidance
>      settings -procededure all ive got is a blank  screen
>                 maybe my sound card is  not working
>                thanks  folks

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